Obviously, you are wrong again, Shelby, because I DID start at the begnning and read every post.
Not everyone found your story uplifting. That's the chance you take when you post on a PUBLIC forum. They simply told you why they didn't find it uplifting. Part of what the man did was uplifting (feeding the homeless), part of what he did wasn't to some, (ordering McDonald's employees to serve banned man without having all the facts). I daresay a few of those employees might not have found the experience uplifting either.
I was not the first person to note this either. I was the 4th person. (See, I do take note of the details.)
I believe the judging did start with you. The whole purpose of this thread was judging. Your friend judged McDonald's managers actions in banning the man as wrong before he ever walked into that restaurant. You judged your friends actions in feeding homeless man as good deed and your friends actions in confronting McDonald's employee and ordering them to serve the man as a good deed.
Some, did not agree with YOUR judgement and said so. They judged your friends behaviour differently than you judged it.
YOU then judged everyone who didn't agree with your friend and you as "crazy", "mean", "heartless" and "dark".
If our words reveal what is in our hearts, then take ownership of your own words. According to your own logic, those words emanate from you so they reveal more about you than they do the people you attribute them to.
I did make a judgement about your friends behaviour. I think insisting the hungry man enter the restaurant when he knew he was banned and ordering the staff to serve him, when your friend was not in possession of the facts, was out of line. The hungry man could have verbally or physically abused that very girl at the counter the day before. I'm not saying he did, because I have no way of knowing and your friend had no way of knowing either. Therefore he was ignorant and presumptuous. The staff did know and made their decision base upon their experience, so there was no reason for your friend to be "agitated" with them or "almost lose it".
You and others CHOSE... NOT to see the point of my thread... that a good deed was done... but to see the "BAD" in the doing of that deed. Why? Because... YOUR EYE IS NOT SIMPLE... and so the "light" IN you... is dark. Just as YOU stated:
More judgements from you about my eyes and my light. My eye works the same as everyone else's does, as a lens, and no one has any "light" inside them. If the light you are speaking of is a figurative term for "awareness", then I will inform you of what I'm aware of as only I can know what I perceive. I perceive the helpfulness in the deed of feeding the homeless man. I noticed no "others" taking issue with that deed. I perceived that the deed of bringing the man into the restaurant when he seemed sheepish (synonym for embarrassed) was not helpful to him. I perceive that the deed of ordering the employees to be insubordinate or serve the man was not helpful to them. A few others perceived that also. Perhaps you are right, it is because we are not "simple" but aware of the complexities of human behaviour and its motivations. That is not necessarily a bad thing. I would say that being able to "see "the subltle complexities and greater details of a situation is a sign of having greater degree of light/awareness, not a lesser.
I think the only thing that reveals about my heart is that I don't like it when people order others around to serve their own agenda without having all the facts. I also don't like it when people put words in my mouth I didn't say, and change their story after the fact because they have to be right at any cost (including the cost of the facts and logic). If that makes me crazy, mean and dark in your estimation, then so be it, I embrace what YOU call darkness. I think that is twisting the meaning of those words, as well, but that's a judgement call, isn't it?
By the way, the heart is a pump. Human behavioural response to stimuli originates in the brain. If the heart beats faster (as when agitated) it is because it is flooded with chemicals from the adrenal glands, in response to directions from the brain, (usually the limbic system where our primal "fight or flight" responses originate).
So, all your judgements about people's hearts have no basis in reality. They are just stories your brain has told you in response to stimuli. In this case, the stimuli is another story your friend has told you and the stories posters have told you about their brain responses to his story.
Kind of puts the whole thing in perspective, doesn't it?